A review by christi_reads_mm
Guys Like Him by Aimee Nicole Walker

Did not finish book. Stopped at 44%.


DNF @ 44%.

Truth be told it has been some years since the last time I tried Aimee's books. The first time around I wasn't a fun of the writing style, I have issues with the name of a characters being mentions 1000 times per page. But since it has been years since my one and only try with Aimee, I thought it was time to re-try.

This time around it wasn't the writing style that stymied me, but the story telling.

First of all there is an abundance of Irish/Gaelic names, most of them starting with K. Yes, not all of them are MCs or even secondary characters but in 20 or so pages we have a Keegan, a Kieran, a Kellan and a Finley... do I count the red-headed giant named Ivan? Yes Ivan isn't an Irish/Gaelic name but the whole giant ginger thing is.... anywayyys.... so things like that are so on the nose for me that draw my notice and I'm thrown off the story.

Next was the fact that every other sentence in Finley's POV was his abstinence from sex and bad boys, how he has sworn to himself he won't put his heart on the line with bad boys, how bad boys do it for him, how he can't resist bad boys but oh his bruised hearts, and oh look! A new bad boy is in town and he howls for his attention and love!!!

OMG!!! The howls and the coyotes and the lone... coyote thing!!! NO!!! It is not sexy, it is not tagging heart strings, it does not bring Alpha/mate things to mind, it is a contemporary story with no fantasy elements so let's stop the Alpha/mate thing!! Possessive I can do, to a degree, but this was not it!

Kieran had a reason why he went to Redemption Ridge and up till the point I DNFed it, he had thrown an opportunity or two to do something about it. Not only that though, it seemed, just like Finley, the pheromones are strong in RR in spring and neither can think anything else but about sex. They work, they eat, they sleep and all the while they think about sex, and they have minimal conversations.

So my interest waned while I was getting irritated from all the coyote/lone/howl mentions and the constant sex musings.

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book.