A review by jpv0
Of Men and Mice by Adam Hughes, Marc Andreyko, Shawn McManus, Todd Klein, Lee Loughridge


[b:Fairest, Volume 4: Of Men and Mice|21532163|Fairest, Volume 4 Of Men and Mice|Marc Andreyko|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1406933055l/21532163._SY75_.jpg|40860520]. In which one of the mice on that fateful night of glass slippers and dancing and pumpkin carriages ... never turned back into a man. And fathered thousands of half mouse, half human (in various configurations) offspring, which are now coming back to ruin Fabletown's lives.


It's a pretty neat story, if a bit bizarre at times. Plus, you get the standard craziness of the Fairy Godmother :D.


Fun times.

I enjoyed this story and have mostly been enjoying this spinoff in general. Onwards and almost donewards!