A review by fazila
The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini


Check out my full review on my blog : FULL REVIEW


I have been wanting to read a Khaled Hosseini since forever. I recently bought 3 of his works from Amazon India while I was vacationing in Kerala. I started reading it at the end of December and was unable to put it down. The book was an emotional rollercoaster, hard-hitting contemporary that I have read in a long time. This is one of the most heartbreaking and heartwarming stories I have read in my entire life. I am certain of the fact that this book will haunt me and stay with me for a long time. I absolutely loved the book and loved how flawed and broken Amir was and how unconditionally loving and loyal Hassan was. Their relationship is one of the hardest and tragic ones and will tug at your heartstrings, of that, I have no doubt. Definitely check it out if you are in the mood for a hard-hitting, deeply touching mesmerizing story set in Kabul, Afghanistan. I highly recommend it!!!.