A review by papidoc
The Five Love Languages: How to Express Heartfelt Commitment to Your Mate by Gary Chapman


My wife received this book from a family member while we were on vacation. On our way home, I began reading it out loud, and our entire family became fascinated with the concepts and ideas expressed in it. Central to those ideas is the notion that not everyone experiences love in the same way, and that to convincingly express love, we must do it not as we would like to receive love, but as the other person does. The author highlights and discusses five common approaches to expressing (and experiencing) love, including:

1. Words of affirmation: Verbal appreciation and encouragement.
2. Quality time: A sincere and focused giving of time and attention to the one you love.
3. Receiving gifts: Visual and tangible symbols of love.
4. Acts of service: Giving of service and deeds performed out of love, rather than obligation, fear, or manipulation.
5. Physical touch: Physical contact and closeness with the one you love.

The central premise is clearly important, and reflects wisdom from throughout the ages, and is a key element in strengthening our marriages, friendships, and even our professional relationships. Think broadly about others and don't simply assume they want what you want.