A review by snowwhitehatesapples
Find Him Where You Left Him Dead by Kristen Simmons

Did not finish book. Stopped at 26%.
I'm really sorry but this book is just not for me. My issues with it are largely on a personal level, but they greatly impacted my experience with this book...

1. The Jumanji but heavily Japanese-inspired thing really put me off. Although Japanese culture is treated respectfully enough here, the incorporation of it didn't feel...authentic? I don't know how to explain it well, but all the Asian aspects that popped up in this book felt as though they were plucked and dropped into a Western setting. They just didn't gel well with the Jumanji part of the book and many times, I even forgot it was supposed to be Japanese-inspired.

2. The introduction of the characters by their hobbies instead of creating memorable, solid personalities resulted in lukewarm characters whose importance and memorability lessened with each chapter. By the time I finished reading the first trial, the characters gave off strong "I'm only here to move the plot forward" vibes!

3. There's just so much talk, talk, talking instead of showing or experiencing that the story lost its horror- and attention-grabbing- touch. I wasn't creeped out by what was happening and my attention wandered off a lot throughout the parts I actually managed to read.

Thank you so much Tor Teen and Netgalley for providing me a copy of this in exchange for an honest review!

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