A review by papercranestitches
Afraid to Fly by L.A. Witt


I think this book's greatest strength was that it felt authentic; the constant emotional tug-of-war that was present in both main characters throughout the book is exactly what I imagine two bisexual, career Navy men with four kids, two divorces, two heart-wrenching cases of PTSD, debilitating chronic pain, and the constant pull of addiction between them would have to tackle every fucking day of their lives if they wanted to be together.

However, the book felt a little too like the slog of real life, if you feel me. It was mainly work, worry, work, worry, Netflix, worry, and repeat. I mean... I get enough of that in my own life. As readers, we didn't get a whole lot time with these characters being happy or carefree or in love and I missed that aspect of the escapism I usually find in my romance novels (it's a personal preference, but it's still valid).