A review by laurakershaw
A Letter to the Luminous Deep by Sylvie Cathrall


Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC of this book!

I enjoyed a lot of the world building aspects (it felt like another world that had a lot of indirect description and mystery to it) but it was really hard to believe the writing style of some of the letters. The overly complimentary tone between main characters was really distracting for me because I’ve never seen letters written in such a “I really loved to receive your letter, you are such a wonderful person and everything about you is beautiful” way. The parts I was most frustrated by was how much of it seemed to be that type of fluff - I think it could’ve been one book easily and when I got to the end there was barely a cliffhanger.

I wouldn’t read the second book most likely unless it’s also available on NetGalley (in which case I would pick it up to see the ending - I hate leaving things unfinished).

Still writing showed potential and the world was interesting so lowest I can give is 3/5