A review by the_cover_contessa
Blacksouls by Nicole Castroman


You didn't read Blackhearts? Ok, so you should go do that! Because, while I didn't love it as much as this one, you really do need its background to understand the relationships in this book, and the storyline, really. If you don't go read it, you're selling yourself short if you don't! Plus, you might just see some spoilers in this review, and I wouldn't want that for you!

This book picks up where Blackhearts left off. Anne has left England and Teach has jumped ship to try and find her. They sail on different ships but oh so close.

I truly loved the in depth look we got through Anne's eyes this time around. She has become such a strong character with a determination that keeps her going no matter the situation into which she is put. She truly takes care of her own needs, though she does worry about others at the same time. She has a wonderful heart.

I admire Teach's determination in this book, as well. Nothing will keep him from finding his true love. And he goes after what he wants for sure. He is also unwilling to let Anne come to harm, no matter how much she might want to put herself in harm's way! It was nice to watch their relationship grow even closer in this story.

I will say this book had a faster pace than the first. I know the first definitely had more of a world building to it and that's probably why I found it to lag a bit. But for me this one did not have a dull moment. I kept wanting the next scene to come. I kept needing to see what would happen next. And the author was really able to capture the imagery of the Caribbean for me. I felt like I was there, the warm tropical breeze blowing through my own hair!

My only fault with this book...hello will there be a third? With the way things ended, though not a total cliffhanger per se, the story is definitely not concluded. I need to know where it goes from here and who comes out the winner on the other end (you can imagine I'll be routing for Anne and Teach!).