A review by renpuspita
Born in Blood by Alexandra Ivy


3,5 stars

Born in Blood is the first installment of new series by Alexandra Ivy, the Sentinels. Lucky for me, I had known Ms Ivy's books long time ago, because Indonesian publisher, kindly translate and published Guardian books. So, her writing is not new for me, and I appraise her to not using vampire, werewolf, anything that go bumps in the night. Boring, thank you! Instead, The Sentinels is like X-Men in paranormal romancelandia. Unique yet still have some paranormal romance clique.

People divided into two categories for The Sentinels world. Those who live a normal life (aka norms) and those who gifted by special ability, called high bloods. The prejudice toward high blood is high and somehow disgusting. This is not new, but again the problem still related to our real condition, we fear what we can't understand. Born in Blood is about Duncan O'Conner a police, pissed off after his ex-wife marriage, but must investigate a strange case. The victim lose her heart. He got help from Valhalla, place for high blood, a diviner name Callie Brown, people who can talk to the dead. Like norms, he did had prejudice toward Callie and her Sentinel, Fane. But he can't resist that he's charmed by her. I'm afraid that Duncan will be a jackass, an alphahole.

Surprisely, Duncan's is charming. Not take a long time for him to work over his prejudice to Callie, to admit that he craved that woman. Ther attraction between Duncan and Callie of course is physical in the first. But, it amazed me that Duncan who try to persuade Callie to accept their relationship. I like this so much, because I got tired with hero that think he's alpha, he doesn't want to desire his woman, but he can't resist. So blah!

In contrary, the villain is a jerk, and well kinda two dimensional actually. I don't want to spoil, but I kinda not like the connection between the villain and Callie, for it seems so forced. The Sentinels is like, well if you read many PNR books, you will know that they are kinda like brotherhood of alpha macho from BDB. Not bad, but this theme already overused. Duncan himself is not part of Sentinel, and it's refreshing to see there other man that care about Callie, so he feel jealous for he can't be Callie's guardian. But, he is too not a norm, there was something special about Duncan (beside his charm of course ;) ).

Other characters are interesting and have some story development. What intrigue me are some people who I suspect will get their own story. We know that Duncan will be with Callie, even Callie have her own guardian, Fane. I think there will be love triangle, but Fane and Callie relationship are platonic, more like brother and sister. It obvious that Fane will be with Serra, a vixen that also Callie's friend, a high blood that can read people mind. There are also the Mave, Valhalla's leader who seems like have history with the Tagos, the Sentinel leader, called Wolfe. I can't wait to know more about what happen between them.

The world is actually easy to understand even I lost for some part. Maybe because I'm not read the prequel of this book, in Predatory anthology. The system of the high blood also not complicated. The writing is easily understand. My complaint is (and I think some reviewers will said yes) is how Ms Ivy love to cut the love scene. The first sex is, thank's God, not cut and well, steamy. But the next, always cut into another scene! I don't like this change of pace, for it can be confusing. I prefer that one chapter just contain one POV, not for two or three.

Also, the cover. Well, I love Paul Marron (still do until now, lol!). I like this cover, but it's sooo misleading. Callie was describe as petite and has spiky red hair. So her hair is not long like on the cover! She also wear ordinary clothes, not bustier. The model in this book represent Serra, that's why I think in the first even Duncan desire Callie, he will become Serra's lover because Callie already have Fane. Then I read the blurb again, and realize that Serra's hair color is black, it confirmed that Duncan is with Callie. I hope the cover -even the author maybe don't have a word to decide what it look like- stay the same with the description of the book.

With the pro and cons, I still want to read the next in The Sentinels series. The villain might be defeated and the ending is feel too rushed (again), but there are some characters that I would love to read and know their story about.

Thanks for Kensington and Netgalley for provide the copy