A review by eastofthesunwestofthemoon
The Hidden One by Linda Castillo


4 stars. Audiobook. I enjoyed this latest installment in the Kate Burkholder series, but I found myself missing the regular crew too. It was interesting to fill in more of Kate's early life - we have gotten quite a bit of her backstory filled in now. I enjoy the parts where Kate gets to show us her tough cop side, and all in all it's a good book, just not my favorite of the series. I had one major sticking point with this book that honestly knocked it down because it annoyed me so much.
Spoiler If someone's going to rough up someone else with a warning to 'get out of town now and leave this alone' why on Earth would they also disable the vehicle she could leave town in, to the point where it has to have a couple of days' work in the shop to be useable to leave? This made no sense!!