A review by antivancrowe
The Last Hero by Linden A. Lewis


Character 5| Setting 5| Plot 4| Writing 5| Enjoyability 5

Overall Rating: 4.8

What can I say about this other than the fact that this series has now won my heart over?

There was so much happening in TLH, it made me laugh, cry and just want to read more about all of these characters. 

Lewis made you care so much about these characters and made you feel that what they did mattered. And it did. There are cruel and evil people out there in power. But it takes people to stand up and do what's right and they will do that. 

Hiro, Astrid, Castor, Pollux, Luce, and Lito all do this. They want what's best for people even if they have to stand up to those they love to do it. 

I really enjoyed the Synthetics bit of this novel and just how fucked up Souji Val Akira was. How devastaingly cruel he is to Hiro we all know it. We see through Hiro's eyes how much he rebels against the man, but we get to see bits of Souji in this book and I loved it. 

I am not a big Sci-Fi reader, but this def makes me want to read more Sci-fi.