A review by poorashleu
The Reluctant Heiress by Eva Ibbotson


Originally posted at Nose in a Book

This is the type of book I should have liked. It has everything in it that I love: a little bit of history, a love story, YA. It shouldn’t have bothered me as much as it did. But for some reason, I could not get into this book as much as I was planning on it. That may have been more my fault than the books. I’ll fess up to it. I was expecting more from the love story. I was expecting more from this author, who gets fairly good reviews on goodreads, and it was just a huge letdown. Tessa and Guy were lovely people, I just didn’t care about their love story by the end of the book. Instead of wanting to stay up til two am reading to find out if they would end up together, I was wanting a chapter to end just so I could go to sleep. Something I consider to be a bad sign.