A review by nikkisbooknook
The Hero She Craves by Anna Hackett



Ren loves being out on the water.  The solitude helps him deal with the things he did whilst serving in the military, the things that make him think he doesn't deserve a HEA. His best friend, mentor, and recruiter had a daughter who he has known since she was a young child and he was a teenager.  When they shared a kiss at her 20th birthday party, Ren realised his feelings for Halle were no longer brotherly or friendly!

Halle may be younger than Ren but she is smart, determined and knows who and what she wants.  When her Marine Biology project leads her to spend time with Ren and his crew, she's going to use every second of the time she has to make Ren see her as something other than his best friends daughter.

Add in some espionage, high seas adventure and being stranded/on the run and you have yourself a rollicking adventure. Ren thinks seeing him in action will put Halle off but she handles it with aplomb and she knows a move or two herself!

Can't wait to meet more of the Ghost Ops guys and their HEA's