A review by zooloo1983
The Wedding Date by Zara Stoneley


It is really easy to see why everyone is gushing over this book. It is such a lovely read, very fitting for wedding season (I am in fact bridesmaid to my best friend this weekend!). When I saw the book title my first thought did go to the film with the same said title and wonder if it would be the same. It has the same premise as the film but so much more.  There is love, lust, heartbreak, twists and misdirections, and two people learning to trust and love again.

Sam is heartbroken, her ex-boyfriend Mr Boring, Liam just dumps her out of the blue as he has met someone else, someone who is 'HUGELY' pregnant. Heartbroken she now wants to find someone to go with to her best friend's wedding, where she is the maid of honour, to show that she is over Liam, the best man! Her friend Sarah suggests hiring someone, but they would cost an arm and a leg...literally. So whilst having a pick me up in the hairdressers, Amy suggests her brother, a broke actor called Jake. And so it begins...

The lies and deceit to her friends and family are hilarious, as Sam keeps 'accidentally' letting things slip out. They have to spend a week in Scotland together being a 'couple' (Strangest thing my best friend is also getting married in Scotland, I swear it is fate when I read these books!). Sam couldn't tell if Jake was acting as he was being paid or if he was being genuine about his feelings towards her. With Zara's writing style I believed he was genuine with how he felt, and to be honest who would not want a man like Jake, he sounded too good to be true!

It would not be right not to mention the cutest dog in the world - Harry! He provided so much laughter especially chasing Liam when the wedding photos were being done.  That being said, I found all the minor characters so much fun, apart from Ruby (spoiled jealous brat sprung to mind), Sam's mum did provide the most laughs for me.

The twists in the book were refreshing and delightful, these sorts of storylines may have been done before but Zara brings something new to the table so it is far from a stale piece of wedding cake.

This book is such a lovely read, one for the wedding season, the summer, in fact, any time of the year. It is a book that makes you feel good, it made me laugh and cry(!!). It just shows that there is a true love out there for everyone, and sometimes you have to kiss a few frogs to find your perfect Wedding date.