A review by thebookplatypus91
Glint by Raven Kennedy


“I don’t know if the bones in my body are as gold as the rest of me, but for my sake, I hope they are. I hope my spine is gilded, because I’m going to need a strong backbone if I want to survive.”

I mean, there were a few twists towards the ending. But I definitely saw one coming a mile away. But the other one I did not see coming at all. If you haven’t read this book then what I’m saying right now is not making sense. LOL

But the last few chapters?! Damn. I’m shook.

Soo... Auren Has been one crazy ass adventure. Especially for someone who’s been in a cage for the last 10 years of her life. This entire book is about her being captured twice thankfully landing in better hands the second time and really finding her back bone and realizing that her life wasn’t as perfect as she thought it was for the last 10 years. It’s like she had a haze over her eyes that finally cleared and she’s able to see things from a different perspective that may be, and just possibly, her king hasn’t loved her for the right reasons..
Or truly loved her at all.

“Time changes with torment. It stretches on, lengthening seconds, extending minutes. I’ve learned that pain and fear have a way of prolonging. And as if that weren’t cruel enough, our minds make sure we relive those moments again and again and again, long after they’ve passed.  What a bastard, time is. “

We got a flicker of hope with romance in book 2. But nothing that is really worth swooning over. Yet.
We have more players on the board and book to and more backstory with each individual character. I have no idea when book 3 is coming out but I read book one and two in one day and I am so excited for the next book. I need some serious revenge and a conclusion that leaves us with lovers!