A review by yulie
Carry On by Rainbow Rowell


This started off as a fun, quirky, enjoyable romp through an alternate Harry Potter universe... and then it turned into its own thing, and I was fully into it. Yes, some things are just kind of hand-waved but it was so *fun* and this book knew exactly what it wanted to be. It was quirky and some of the ideas it pulled on were really amusing, and it wasn't masterfully written but it doesn't pretend like it's trying to be. The characters are solid for the purposes of the book, the references to pop culture are great, and the reference to the Bechdel test had me actually laughing. I powered through this book in two days and had a great time! If you're looking for a ton of depth and meaningful character development, this really doesn't have it. Do the characters grow, and do you like them for their quirks? Of course! But it's all pretty matter-of-fact. It's equivalent to a great blockbuster film -- enjoyable, get your popcorn, power through it and have fun! The story is serviceable and what it does makes sense, and I like that!

The only major criticism I would have is that when you're placed into the points of views of each character, they all have the same voice. Their narration has the same cadence, sentence structure, and beats as each other. This made it a bit difficult for me to figure out who was narrating sometimes when the POVs were switching rapidly and I had to quickly flick back to see who the narrator was.