A review by ljrinaldi
The amazing adventures of Jules - Volume 1 - The Future Imperfect by Emile Bravo


There is something about French humor that is not coming accross in the translations I have been reading from Europe Comics. This is just another example.

The title is supposed to be a play on words, but even though it is a direct ranslation, it is lost of English speakers who rarely know about grammar, and wouldn't know Future Imperfect from Past Perfect.

And then there is the story. A boy, Jules, is chosen to go to a planet using a spaceship that travels faster than light. We don't learn until later, why he is chosen, but he clearly isn't told what the trip entails, or that traveling faster than light means that when he comes back, everyone will have aged at a much faster rate.

French hijinks ensue. Either the French has a different form of humor, or this really is a boring story of a boy, and his guinia pig, taken into outer space and back, with no clue about what is going on.

And this is going to be the first in a series,with the next book appearing to be about human cloning.

There are better French comic books out there. This isn't one of them.

Thanks to Netgalley for making this book available for an honest review.