A review by misssusan
Age of Bronze, Vol. 1: A Thousand Ships by Eric Shanower


the first time i read this i recall being deeply impressed with how eric shanower melded the eleventy billion sources there are on the trojan war into a coherent retelling. this time i'm around i'm still impressed but also struck by just how many flop dudes populate this book like dang, paris can't you just leave? leave bro. you are ruining literally EVERYONE'S life, shoo

i know he's not gonna but i had to say it. maybe i'm channeling cassandra

also i'm thinking about how achilles and hector are the heroic figures of the achaeans and trojans respectively except hector's the only one who really manages heroic? every time we cut to achilles i just wanted to pluck him up and send him to a big sisters, big brothers program, this is a teenager who needs someone to teach him how to grow up, not have his worst features indulged in war

3 stars