A review by graypeape
Fairy Science by Ashley Spires


This is a cute little book about a fairy, Esther, who believes more in science than she does in magic. While her fellow fairy schoolmates are learning about magic, she tries to interest them in science, to no avail. When a tree in their forest starts to wilt, the fairies perform various magics on it, while Esther does scientific experiments to discover it needs more sunlight. She clears a way through the canopy above the tree so it can get sun, and the tree gets better, but the magic gets the credit, and Esther is discouraged. But a couple of her classmates approach her, and want to know more about what she did, and she happily introduces them to science.
The illustrations are just wonderful, so much detail and fun things to find in each one! A good addition to any child's library.

#FairyScience #NetGalley