A review by carlisajc
Cinder by Marissa Meyer


Cinder by Marissa Meyer is one of the most iconic fairy tale retelling. It’s the story of Cinderella (I hope you were able to figure that out from the title) but with some major differences. Differences which make the book so lovable and unique. So here I am, telling you the reasons why you should read Cinder by Marissa Meyer.

1. Cinder is a cyborg. Sci-fi Cinderella. This is such a unique concept and I love it. It takes place in the future in New Beijing with cyborgs and androids and hovercars. Not exactly the classic horse-drawn carriage scenario.

2. Cinder isn’t the dainty little princess we know and love from Disney. – She’s awesomely sarcastic. She’s a mechanic who isn’t afraid to get dirty. In fact, grease can almost always be found on her face or arms. And she doesn’t need a fairy godmother to save the day. She does it herself. And that’s pretty cool, I think.

3. This quote:
“Vanity is a factor, but it is more a question of control. It is easier to trick others into perceiving you as beautiful if you can convince yourself you are beautiful. But mirrors have an uncanny way of telling the truth.”

4. And this one:
“Cinder twisted up her lips. ‘Do you think it could have a virus?’
‘Maybe her programming was overwhelmed by Prince Kai’s uncanny hotness.’” [lol]

5. And this one:
“They were beautiful. The most beautiful things she’d ever owned. But if there was one thing she knew from years as a mechanic, it was that some stains never came out.”

6. The secondary characters are wonderful. Sometimes the small, secondary characters are my favorites in a book. And in Cinder, I just love Peony and Iko. Peony is one of her step-sisters and Iko is her android. Both have such lovely personalities and Iko, though a robot, is hilarious.

7. Prince Kai. *cough* ‘Nough said.

8. The original fairy tale magic. Even though it’s a retelling and has a lot of new additions, this story still retains the magic that is Cinderella. Fairy tales are classics for a reason. They’re magical stories.

9. At least one of the “Ugly Stepsisters” isn’t so ugly. Like I said before, I love Peony, Cinder’s stepsister. In the classic tale, the sisters are both horrible people…so I like that Meyer kind of changed things a bit. She made one of the sisters lovable and fun and bubbly and sympathetic and just overall wonderful. Peony loved Cinder and Cinder loved Peony. And I think that relationship helped Cinder to become the strong girl she is.

10. Because I said so. Yeah, this should be reason enough…Just kidding, but not really.