A review by booksabrewin
The Sinners by Ruby Vincent


Ember and her guys are getting deeper into the underbelly that is the Horsemen and the war that is coming with the Raveners. And while Ember is now free of her previous debt with the Horsemen, the leader, Rio, has decided the entire amount of money her parents have stolen should be his. So Ember is charged with trying to find out where her parents are, while also navigating the waters of a blackmailer who has gone too far, and exploring the blossoming relationships with her men.

As Ember follows the breadcrumbs her parents have left behind, she fears what she might find. Are her parents alive? Do they even want to be found? And under the threat of death from Rio, if she doesn't find the money, will she be able to have the life away from Raven River she so desperately wants?

I struggled once again with the fact that Eli suffered very little even though his relationship with his parents was the same as Ember's. The thing I struggled with most, was after Eli was attacked, everybody, including Ember's enemies, was appalled over him being hurt. It couldn't be they were appalled because he was a kid because he was 14 and kids that age tend to get in fights anyway. So that only left the fact that he was deaf. Would I find it equally as appalling if a deaf kid was attacked? Of course. But the 180 that these antagonists made and the rage they exhibited over it was a bit weird. A person with their levels of rage wouldn't jump to the defense of someone they blame for their tenuous situations.

I like Royal as a main love interest but my heart was all for Cassius. I loved how honest and blunt he was with whatever popped into his head. You weren't going to get it sugar-coated with Cas. You would get the truth even if it hurt. I was glad that he was the first of the boys that Ember went to when she needed to focus on anything but her upset over her brother.

The author really made Rio likeable and charming in many of the interactions between the characters but when you hear some of his background offenses, it made me wonder why I ever found him charming in the first place. Which is EXACTLY how Rio made all of his victims feel. The fact that I could experience that as a reader was very well done.

The Sinners is the sequel novel to a bully romance with all the warm and fuzzies wrapped in angsty barbed wire.