A review by ckjaer88
Slash by Slash


I didn't know a lot about Slash or Guns for that matter, before reading the book. I new they were on drugs and stuff, but it shocked me HOW far off they actually were back then. I mean, how can you become such a legendary rockband and go through all taht shit at the same time?! It's actually written in such a way, that you get a feeling they only did like 10 shows all and all.

But I think I got a good sense of who Slash is as a person. It was kinda fascinating to read how he was shocked when a guy OD'ed in front of him, when he himself had OD'ed a couple of times before!

It's a really good read and you feel like Slash is a friend when you're done.
Warning: it makes you wanna buy everything guns ever released!