A review by surpriseitem
The Paris Hours by Alex George


2.5 Stars.

I was really excited to read this. I'd never read a historical fiction set in Paris during the 1920s, and I couldn't wait to see how George would deliver a story in this setting. Unfortunately, the story fell flat. The Paris Hours follows four different character POVS. While I normally love novels that include multiple POVS, The Paris Hours is only 253 pages long. There simply wasn't enough time to connect to each of the characters, even though they all had their own heartbreaking stories.

I was most invested in Camille's POV. I mainly kept reading to find out the mystery of what Marcel Proust had written in his journal. However, when the secret was finally revealed, I found it to be underwhelming and predictable.

The prose was gorgeous, and I would consider picking up another one of George's works. However, the prose was not enough to redeem all of the faults in this story.