A review by baasanka
Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: Guilty Pleasures - The Complete Collection by Laurell K. Hamilton


This is the worst book I've read in a while and I would 100% recommend it to anyone.

I read the Anita Blake series in middle school. Back then I hated leaving a book unread or a series unfinished, so despite each sequel getting worse and worse, I trudged along, hoping that my sufferings will end soon. By the end of the eighth book, when I finally gave up, the story mainly consisted of porn.

All that gets a million times more hilarious in a comic format. At times, the art style will remind you of good old Rob Liefeld and his many masterpieces of heroines, as our little Mary Sue goes through life (and her spooky supernatural jobs) attracting every hyper-sexualised superhuman in a 10-mile radius. Faithful to the genre, they all have one ridiculous name or another and look like 15 year old boys on steroids which is supposed to make the reader tremble in adoration.

The story is clearly written for middle-aged housewives, who are bored out of their mind and their husbands, but goddammit, I was laughing my ass of reading the first 15 or so pages I made it through before my brain couldn't take it anymore.