A review by franrambles
Mercenary Magic by Ella Summers


This series feels like a cheapened and less diverse version of the Kate Daniels series. Young mercenary hiding her true nature and "abominable" and dangerous magic, meets powerful shapeshifter. In general, I wouldn't be opposed to this, because as a massive Kate Daniels fan, I'm always on the hunt for similar urban fantasy series. However, the author doesn't quite pull off the comparison that the obvious parallels invite. The worldbuilding is severely lacking, and as a result the plot feels quite slapdash. (The romance is also rushed as all hell.)

Weirdly enough, there were still some passages I thoroughly enjoyed, but they kept alternating with poorly written info/trope dumps. I decided to give the second book a try to see if there would be an improvement, but almost a quarter in, I still didn't find myself completely convinced, so I won't be continuing this series.