A review by magencorrie
The Summer I Became a Nerd by Leah Rae Miller


*I received this book from the publisher/author in exchange for an honest review*

My thoughts:

The Summer I became a Nerd was a cute, light and enjoyable read. Perfect for summer! Its light, has no real drama or conflict, and honestly, I felt that to be very refreshing. Especially with all the loaded angst-y books I’ve been reading lately.

It’s also filled with the most awesome nerdness, which just makes my inner nerd jump up and down! Filled with all sorts of nerddom, heroes, comics and animated goodness, The Summer I became a Nerd is just plain adorkable!

'I'm a nerd hidden inside a popular girl's body.'

Madelyne Summer has spent her life hiding her love for all things nerdy, since an embarrassing incident that has left her scared of other’s judgment. She has the prefect façade, cheerleader, dating the quarterback and the popular bff. No one would suspect she wishes her school uniform included a cape, and that she has a crush on Peter Parker. It’s only during the summer that Madelyne can let her nerd flag fly, well, discretely. But this summer, things change, and while trying to get her hands on her favorite comic, her nerd side is revealed by none other than, Logan Scott, a guy she’s been crushing on since he wore that ‘porn shirt’ to school.

Madelyne has made it a mission to hide her nerdself from her friends at school, from everyone in general, from the humiliation that would most likely come if anyone found out that she is a lover of all things nerd. At times, I really enjoyed Maddie, she reminded me of my nerd self. I do love me some good comic books, hero movies, and anime once in a while. However, as much as Maddie loves her nerdiness, she is also so scared of the judgment of others, I really wanted to shack her because of this. But as the story progressed, she realized that she shouldn't be scared of what others think. I then really started to like her character. Also, I really enjoyed that when she made a mistake, she really owned up to it!

Then you have her nerd crush, Logan Scott. He’s a cute, soccer player whose family runs the local comic book store. When a certain incident brings these two together, and Logan figures out about Maddie’s nerdy side, things get interesting! I also have to admit, I might have a nerd crush on Logan Scott, too. He’s just so adorkable! As Maddie’s character grows, so does his, and watching that was pretty interesting!

Not only did this book have some cool main characters, but the side characters were original and fun to read. Especially Scott’s mom and best friend, Dan. He is a character I really enjoyed, with his humor and smart mouth, he had me cracking up.

‘You can’t spend your life being afraid of what other people think.’

Another reason I just enjoyed this book is because, well, I’m a nerd! A pretty big one at times. Also, the setting in this book is in Louisiana, I loved that! Since I spent a lot of my childhood there, it was like reading about home, in a way.

It did have, at parts, a very fast pace, and I felt like more could have been added to the plot to make it more rounded. But despite that, the character growth and flow of the story-line was nice.

The Summer I Became A Nerd is a book about being true to yourself, regardless of what others may say or think. Being happy with who you are and accepting who you are, too. I felt that is a very good message to the readers.

I really enjoyed this book! It’s a fun, light read, with no real drama or angst. It's a perfect book to read during the summer. So, if that’s what you are looking for, then add this book to your to-be-read list now!