A review by yari
Bountiful Garden #1 by Steenz, Ivy Noelle Weir


 this was a very interesting read, it's literally about five teens who are on a mission stranded in space, having nowhere to go, three of them land on a strange planet looking for something and very weird things start to happen in-between them and with the other two on the ship, it's very dark and mysterious, kind of scary at parts because we're literally in the unknown.

I really liked it and I'm curious for the next installment, i just wished we'd known more of the background of the characters, where they come from, why did they volunteer for this, how does everyone know all the crews always disappear around that area?

Overall it's an enjoyable read, you can literally read it in a sitting bc it's so engaging.

Thank you to netgalley for giving me a free arc in exchange for an honest review!