A review by book_grinch
Blood Kin by M.J. Scott


3,5 stars.
The plot of this story, is developed in the aftermath of Lucius death, the vicious Blood Lord which we met in the first book. With the death of that one, riots and struggles for power happen on a daily basis weakening the Templars who almost every day suffer losses amongst their ranks.
Guy DuCaine, brother of Simon DuCaine, the sunmage, stands on a dificult position. Having his brother engaged to Lily, a wraith, that used to be bound to Lucius service, makes it impossible for him, to place Lily in danger. His superior officer, and most of his colleagues would like nothing more than to have Lily working for the Templars, and all dangers be damned for that one. But Guy refuses to put a member of his family at risk.
Enters Holly. One night, a woman falls literally in Guy's arms, having fallen of a building. Her name is Holly and she is a spy, an half-breed fae. Who just like Guy, will do anything to save her family.
When a "geas" a curse is placed upon her, forcing her to accept a mission, Holly's life will collide with Guy and both their lifes will never be the same. Holly's mission is to spy on Simon and discover that one's secret. Her father, the one who forces the geas on her also has her beaten as a way to grant her entrance on the hospital where Simon works. And to further her compliance he also has Holly's mother and best friend kidnapped. Talk about a truthfully hateful character...
And that is how, Holly and Guy will end working together. He needs a spy to help uncover the political games that are being played in the city, and reluctanly she will accept on the basis that he will help her with her mother and friend. So to uphold his oaths, Guy will have to pretend to renegue on the same ones. Playing the part of a renegade Templar, Guy, aided by Holly will enter a world, where for once he will not have the upper hand.
This urban fantasy novel, with a strong plot and a very intense romance, had me turning the pages until the very end, so i will be sure to read the third one, em 2013.