A review by maycho
Drum Roll, Please by Lisa Jenn Bigelow


I adored this one!!! So!! Much!!!!

Earlier in March, I read sapphic summer camp romance that fell flat but you guys, this one was so. good.

So imagine this; your parents have just told you that they're getting a divorce. You're angry, heartbroken, in denial and what do they do? Send you off to a summer camp with your best friend. That's what Drum Roll, Please builds upon.

Throughout the course of the novel, we get a heartbreaking & redemptive friendship arc that gets hit my the THROES and WOES of adolescent romance and angst. We go through a beautiful learning and coming-of-age arc that involves lots of music and writing and band practice. And of course we get a super freaking cute yet beautiful romance between two girls at a faraway summer camp.

My heart ached and squealed while reading this one and I think it's moved into my favourite middle-grade list! Would highly recommend this one for its beautiful character, perfect plotting and overall story.

(also, didn't give this a full five stars probably because i don't know how to feel about music being written into stories, but maybe that's just me.)