A review by sjean1149
Shattered Hourglass by J. L. Bourne


I was a huge fan of the first two books in this series. I could not wait to see what kind of zombie messes the crew would be seeing in this book. But toward the end of the second book, I could tell what direction the third would be going in. Nonetheless, I was excited. It took me nearly three weeks to get through this book. I finished the other two in a day. I just felt as though there were too many missions going on. I didn't understand the involvement from some of the groups that were in the story and it all wrapped up so fast with only an epilogue to tie together the 3 or 4 random different sub stories that were going on. On top of that, the military language is hard to follow sometimes. I'm not in the military so if it could have been written with readers like me in mind I think it would have made for a smoother read. That being said, I'm still a fan of J.L. Bourne and his style of zombie writing.