A review by luftschlosseule
The Harvest of Samhein by José Antonio Cotrina


trigger warning
suicide, grief, mental illness, child neglect, being orphaned and homeless

Twelve children get invited to a magical city that needs their help. The hitch: They will have to stay at least a year, because the portal between the worlds only open in Halloween night.

We follow Hector, who is famous for being clumsy - or at least that's what he tells the other teenagers. He witnessed how magical birds ate every memory of him, how his family suddenly couldn't even see him, and fears he'll have to stay in the new place for good.

Eleven of the twelve children band together, seeking safety in numbers as this new place is very, very dangerous. The twelfth person, who formerly lived a life on his own in the streets of Sao Paulo, remains a mystery to them, only to be glimpsed in the distance.

Their goal is to survive until the Red Moon, but they're not told how far that's away. There is not much plot, it's all about survival in a strange place you know nothing about.
Sadly, this part of the story ends when it's just picking up and getting interested. For the most part I was pretty bored and only read on because it was a fast read and I already dnf-ed an arc a few days previously. Then, as I got interested, it was over.
I am not sure if I want to continue this series.

The arc was provided by the publisher.