A review by olovesbooks
Dismount by Lucia Franco



This was my absolute favorite book in the whole series. I lived for the character development, the growth, the love, and the pain in this book.

I loved Ria's character growth in this book, she was everything and so strong. Because I know if it were MEEEEE.....I would have caved once Kova started saying all that stuff in the condo. Don't judge me. I started loving Kova 60% into this book and I am so glad because if I ended the series still hating him, I would RIOT.

Anyways, this was a great ending to the series however I wish the time jump wasn't so big, but I get it I get it. I just wanted to see more of them being happy because of the rollercoaster of emotions they put me through lol I def recommend it if you are a fan of forbidden and taboo romance. This series will check all of those boxes for you. Oh and drama! If you love drama, Kova and Ria are definitely gonna be it for you.