A review by thebooktrollop
The Affiliate by K.A. Linde


The way this book is written makes time disappear and when I had to pull away for something important, like peeing or little minions, I was dazed and confused. The world of an Affiliate sucked me in like a Dyson vacuum and demanded to be read!

What is going to happen? Who is this consort? The king is married but only by obligation? This kingdom is so fucked up!!!!
WTF happened in the beginning? Who was this person the former king talked to?

So many questions ran through my mind in a whirlwind of trying to solve this riddle. I was anxious to know what was going to happen and why this queen was such a thunder-cunt, but I was patient and waited out my time.

I had read more than 3/4 of the book and was coming up on the end. The sweet ending I had been craving since the beginning. I wanted to figure out the secrets that were wrapped around this plot since the beginning.


The book just ends after an obvious secret was revealed and I pretty much figured that secret out from the start!!

SO, WTF?!?!?

I was frustrated by the ending because I feel like the first half of the book was a waste and had no point to it. The back and forth was unnecessary unless it will be relevant in the following books??

I don't know. I am still 100% committed and intrigued by this story, but I feel cheated from book one. I really hope the books to come will solve a lot of my curiosity and back stories I was missing from this novel.

So until then, I can't rate this book. It wouldn't be right to rate because on one hand, I LOVED the world, the drama, the anti-hero, the STRONG heroine but on the other hand, NOTHING was revealed that wasn't already obvious to everyone!!

So I will sit on this series and eagerly await the next installment that will hopefully quench my curiosity!

Until then, I would recommend reading this book because it is the first in the series and must be read in order to know WTF is going on in the upcoming stories.
But, if you are an instant gratifier like myself, I would wait to read this one until the release date for the next book is closer or else you will be like me and grumbling nonsense and being angry at fictional characters...

I don't think talking to characters who aren't your own is normal but I found myself asking Cyrene a lot of questions and she kept silent... jerk!