A review by hardbackhoarder
Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi

Did not finish book.


This has to be one of the biggest let downs of the century for me. After seeing all the hype surrounding this, I was fully convinced this would become a new favorite of mine. Oh boy, I was wrong.
As so wonderfully stated in my reading notes: This is a clusterfuck of cliches. Chosen one to save the kingdom, secret princess warrior, insta-love, quest for scroll, knife, stone to save the world, the list is endless. Cliches are not bad per say; we tend to seek out cliches that we like and they work for a reason. But when no parts of the story are original or well written, it is tiring.
The characters in this see no development. They rarely have moments where they are not just yelling at each other and accomplishing nothing. There were many moments that a deeper conversation about their world and quest could have been had, but weren't. There were many moments that they could have compelling personal thoughts, but didn't. I understand the characters are teenagers, but screaming at each other and never giving thought to their actions but things still working out doesn't make for a good story.
Action felt avoided at all costs. There were some parts where the scene could have been intense and exciting, but we would be put into a point of view that would be hiding, not involved, or dreaming (I kid you not). I read the book to be the bystander, not to read about a bystander.
The writing was ok, nothing too impressive, but not terrible. It did use the oh so beloved line of releasing a breath she didn't know she was holding (how is this still happening?!).
I dreaded reading this book and hated the characters, I stayed because it was a goodreads winner, I bought the book, and the world and magic system was beautiful. Though it did contradict it's own system at times.
Just, ugh.