A review by somewheregirl7
Frost Moon by Anthony Francis


Dakota Frost is a magical tattoo artist with a punk style and tats covering her body. When a serial killer targeting people with magical tattoos comes to light, Dakota is pulled into the investigation by her cop-father's partner and a federal agent.

This book started out with a lot of promise and I was glued to the pages for the first half of the book. Unfortunately that early promise didn't pan out for me. Frost Moon portrays a lot of alternative culture (punk scene, S&M, etc) but it felt like too much and was too quickly glossed over and just accepted by everyone in the book. Alternative culture is not mainstream clearly and I seriously doubt that every guy walking around would be panting after a girl with a mostly shaved head and mohawk who towers over six feet tall and is heavily tattooed. One of my pet peeves has always been main characters that are irresistibly attractive to every other human being on Earth for no apparent reason. Dakota falls firmly in that category and it's not just the guys that are getting all lusty for her either, many of the female characters are equally interested.

In addition, the main premise of the book is that there's a serial killer out there targeting those with magical tattoos. At least according to the book summary. And yet we hear about that in the beginning and while the fed agent is around for the rest of the book (mostly so he can pant after Dakota) the murderer is not around and isn't killing and absolutely nothing appears to be happening with the case. In fact more time is spent lovingly describing magical tattoos and how cool Dakota is then on actual plot developments.

I got bored and abandoned the book 3/4 of the way through because it felt like the plot was going nowhere and I just couldn't take one more character proclaiming how hot and sexy Dakota is. This book was not my cup of tea, alas.