A review by hugbandit7
Last Dance on the Starlight Pier by Sarah Bird


The depression was a hard time for most people in the US. While the realities of life were obvious, people still found ways to entertain themselves. In this case, the dance marathons pitted couples against one another to win a cash prize. Looking back, you have to wonder how sane this idea was as some of these marathons lasted months. I can't even imagine being awake that long even with catnaps here and there. I don't know about historical accuracy, but this novel featured "hoofers" or employees in the marathons and typically won, keeping the money in the company or with the promoter. Reading these accounts made me appreciate what people did to ensure their livelihood. 

Evie Grace Devlin was no stranger to performing, but her dream was to be a nurse, and she thought she had succeeded when she was accepted into a nursing school in Galveston on a full scholarship. Who knew the head nun would have it out for her and yank that from under her at the last moment? This moment throws Evie back into the theater world via dance marathons as a nurse of sorts. This ragtag group became her family, and I learned a lot about how these marathons worked and to what extent they would help each other just make it through life. When you learn about Evie's life growing up and how her mother treated her, you won't lose any love for that woman. Mamie only cares about herself to the extent of torpedoing her daughter's life. 

Zave is a hoofer and has a connection to Evie that she discovers after a short period of time. They form a bond, and Evie thinks he could be her life's great love until she learns something about him. I won't spoil that secret, but it creates tension and issues between the two until they resolve the issue.

This story intrigued me, educated me, and gave me all the feels while reading about lives during the Great Depression. There are even political references since it was the same time that FDR ran against Hoover for President. I enjoyed the various settings, from Houston to Galveston to Litchfield to Chicago. Each represented what was happening in these different areas during the depression, and not all towns were alike.

We give this book 5 paws up.