A review by trudyd
The Promise by Piper Davenport


Holy Moly Guacamole!!!!!! Spectacular, wonderful, absorbing story without all the boring filler. The Promise is the first spin-off story from Dogs of Fire. I can only hope that it is a promise from the author that the Dogs of Fire will continue to warm my heart for years to come.
I have to confess The Dogs of Fire is one of my favorite biker series. The members are all hard working, caring, and honest. Where some MC books leave me feeling grungy, this series has me on the edge of my seat waiting for the next book. I want, no need, to get to know another great guy and the woman that has him falling hard. With book one, Wolfpack has me continuing my vigil for the next book.
There is no better way to kick off the Wolfpack series then with Maverick and Lily. As a reader I have watched them grow from young children into young adulthood. I absolutely loved the way the author shared their life and love over so many years. Best friends to high school sweethearts to happily ever after, I got to go along for the ride. And what a ride it was!!! I ugly cried on more than one occasion. Thankfully I also got to happy dance. Piper Davenport had me on such an emotional rollercoaster that I refused to put the book down until the ride ended. Now it is your turn. Jump on and get ready to scream, laugh, and sigh in relief. Then come join me in my vigil for the next great read by Piper Davenport.