A review by anovelglimpse
Wicked Serve by Grace Reilly

  • Loveable characters? Yes


Note: This review is for an ARC and is my unbiased opinion.

It's finally the sister's time to shine! I loved Izzy and Nik. Their romance was adorable, and I loved how they worked through their own issues together. There were a lot of emotions throughout this book. I only have one complaint. I enjoy Grace Reilly's writing, but I do wish that she would edit down her books by 50-100 pages. When I got to around 50% in this book, there was a conflict that felt like it could have ended after the resolution, but the book went on again building to another conflict before resolving and ending. Both situations were good and made the book great, but maybe something in between could have been cut a bit. That's my only criticism. Overall, this was a fantastic addition to the series and a great way to end it.