A review by rachelvb
Zombies vs. Unicorns by Holly Black, Justine Larbalestier


To whom it may concern:
No, this book is not wasting my time, 3 and a half weeks before my exams.

It serves the purpose alone of entertaining me before I sleep, one zombie/unicorn story at a time.

UPDATE: Seriously great anthology. Surprisingly, Unicorns won, in my opinion. This is not to say that the zombie stories were not great - i especially like Maureen Johnson toying with the idea of zombies and the ridiculousness of some aspects of celebrity, and Libba Bray's story concluding the series, although abrupt, ended the anthology, well, with a bang, literally.

As for the Unicorn stories, Meg Cabot's very sparkly unicorn story oddly stuck out - Cabot was one of the few authors who did not invent her own brand of unicorn but stuck to unicorns of the rainbow-farting kind. This didn't make her unicorns stupid, however, they do deliver a kick to the story.

My favourite in the book is probably Diana Peterfreund's The Care and Feeding of Your Baby Killer Unicorn because it was the most intriguing and original. I bought Rampant as soon as I had read her story - yes, this world menaced by the reemergence of killer unicorns got me curious and interested as to what else this dangerous world had to offer.