A review by thebookclubdiaries
The Maidens by Alex Michaelides


I was worried about this book not living up to the hype that surrounds it, what was I worried about?! It was great!

The book begins with Mariana who is mourning the loss of her husband Sebastian. A tragic disappearance at Cambridge University turns out to be a friend of Mariana’s niece, Zoe. The story explodes from there involving suspicious professors, students and numerous twists!

The setting was one I am familiar with having visited Cambridge a few times I was connected and taken by this story straight away. There were so many red herrings in this book, which kept me guessing throughout! I love the feeling of being confident in my guesses and then having them completely destroyed by the story! I appreciated the nod to the Greek mythology, it was really different and allowed the story to take on a whole new angle! The Maidens was captivating, different and a really exciting read. It was a great psychological thriller and I’m hoping for more novels from Alex Michaelides.