A review by prettypieceoffiction
Brew by David Estes


3.5 stars

Please note, I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

I just finished Brew, the first installment in the Salem's Revenge series.

Overall I really liked this story. I was really intrigued by the world that Estes created. I think the whole idea of a witch apocalypse is a really great new take on this type of story. It's definitely a story that was new and fresh for me. Rhett was a character that is easy to relate to and understand. Thankfully he has pretty good judgement, not unlike a lot of characters in these types of stories that have questionable judgement. I definitely enjoyed the second half of the book better than the beginning. I did feel that the beginning of the book dragged on a bit and it did not engage me as much as I would have hoped. The book definitely picks up the pace once Laney and Trish are introduced and the mysteries start surfacing. One of my favorite things about this book was Hex, Rhett's magical canine companion. You can never go wrong with having an awesome furry friend.

I am so interested in finding out more about this world and characters. I have so many questions that I hope will be answered in the following installments of the series. I hope that in the following books we get to know more about the magical elements of the story.