A review by xolotlll
Consumed by David Cronenberg


I really enjoyed this. It felt like a golden-age Cronenberg film, with more modern tech. Videodrome would be the closest comparison, with its creepy techno-body-horror blending into paranoid political-industrial espionage. It's like Cronenberg wanted to make another film, but he didn't want to go through the trouble of actually doing that.

This book feels more personal and human than Cronenberg's other works, maybe in part because the prose allows for direct access to the characters' thoughts and feelings. Cronenberg also seems to show more of an interest in the personal, human element of storytelling; Consumed feels considerably less cold and clinical than his films. One of the major themes in this book is age, and how the body changes over the last few decades of life. There are some strangely touching and personal reflections on how relationships and sexuality change as we get older. It all feels informed by personal experience. At the same time, the basic outline is very similar to what he was doing over 30 years ago, in Videodrome.