A review by bookishlynerdy
Lie by Natalia Jaster



It was amazing. I loved it. The characterization. The arcs. The growth. The autumn-ness. It was, I dare say, her best book yet.

There were problems of course. I didn’t like that Aire was a bit of an asshole during that one scene but besides that it wasn’t very problematic. The book as a whole was a journey. Instead of taking you to the fairytale, it brought the fairytale to you and in a whole new way. The feelings of each character were so in depth and so sincere, I thought I might be able to reach out and touch their tears.

The whole series has been amazing and is completely inclusive. This one was even more so. It introduced a possibility of the next book’s main characters. And I can’t wait for their story. It promises to be a very good one. The compassion and sympathy that Briar and Poet show towards the end, when they make an appearance, was so perfectly them that I couldn’t help but think of the other time we had seen them.

The growth shown by all three main characters, cause don’t fool yourself there are three, is astounding. Natalia Jaster is definitely a master at this. Aspen starts off thinking herself less than others and overcompensating to overcome this “obstacle” that only she herself can see. Aire is constantly held back by what happened to his loved one (trying to avoid spoilers) that he can’t stand what Aspen is at the beginning of the book. But throughout the course of Lie, it becomes clear that one of them brings out the best in the other.

And the third main character. Nicu. His journey and defiance at the beginning of the book is what starts the whole thing. And Natalia Jaster does an amazing job setting up what I think is going to be an amazing fourth book. But she never forgets what has happened in books one or two. No, it’s insinuated and brought up subtly throughout the book. Which makes me think something huge is going to happen if everybody is being interconnected like this. Nicu and his somewhat, not really clear, I have to think of a cute ship name, love interest are adorable to watch.

Honestly, if you hadn’t ever heard of Natalia Jaster until now, I think you should get caught up reading all of her books. This one is amazing and her other three books are just as amazing as this one.