A review by susanthebookbag
Center of Gravity by Laura McNeill


Oh wow! I don't remember when I have had such strong feelings about the characters in a book. Center of Gravity has great characters, ones to love and to hate. I loved Jack, the very smart, very protective, 8 year old who had to grow up way too early. His mother Ava is another character I really liked, as well. She is such a loving, giving mother to her two sons and would do anything for them.

And then ... there is Mitchell. What a horrible, despicable man he is. I cannot believe the things he did to those he supposedly loved.

'... your dad wants everything to be perfect.'
' He says he doesn't want to lose control.'
'... his black moods could last for days.'

Uh oh, that doesn't sound good, does it?

I have read several other of Laura's books and have always loved her stories. She is an amazing writer who always takes the reader on a very enjoyable journey, with great characters and wonderful settings. Center of Gravity is a different type of story for Laura. It's a bit more disturbing and dark but it still was an amazing read.

Jack really is a facinating, lovable little boy. His infatuation with superheroes was fun but it also served as a way for him to deal with reality and to take care of his little brother. What a wonderful imagination he had, putting himself in the shoes, or cape, of a superhero to survive the bad situations he was in.

'I made myself into a rock so I didn't have to feel anything.'

Center of Gravity is a very intense, captivating story and I found myself devouring it. I couldn't leave Ava, Jack, and little Sam all on their own. I had to find out if everyone was going to be okay. It was just one horrible thing after another. What an evil, evil man Mitchell is!

I loved Center of Gravity and the fast pace of the story. I was thinking about it long after I was done reading. Great job, Laura! Thanks for the wonderful read!