A review by bookph1le
The Night of Many Endings by Melissa Payne


I often really like sentimental books about disparate groups of people who come together and find they need one another, but with this book that just didn't happen for me. I think it's because I felt like this book was straining, like it was trying to hard to make me feel things, and I wish it would have just played out a little more organically.

I know for sure that my other problem with this book was Nora. She is just way too much of a saint and martyr. She has some resentment and anger simmering within her, and I think she would have been a better character had she shown more of this from the beginning, instead of always being so forbearing. It made her almost insufferable.

I did, however, love Vlado, and I'm thrilled when I read books with sweet, emotionally intelligent male characters. Give me more of this, please.