A review by ilovebakedgoods
Bittersweet by Sarah Ockler


Like the rating says, "It was ok." Little things irritated me and that knocked this down from a 3 star "I liked it." It was okay, not horrible but I was annoyed by all the misunderstandings and lack of communication between people, annoyed at Hudson's mom for putting so much pressure on Hudson to help keep the diner afloat (Hello? Your diner, mom, not your child's), annoyed that Hudson's best friend got mad at Hudson for trying to work toward her goal, leaving little time for girl's nights. As for the so-called love interest, Josh, I just didn't see the attraction, or feel it or whatever. Why did she like him again? This book focused more on her quasi-relationship with a different dude altogether, but she kept pining over Josh, whom we barely saw her with more than a meet-cute here, meet-cute there. Not a horribly written book, just not what I was expecting.