A review by bookishkelly
Temptations of a Wallflower by Eva Leigh


This book really surprised me. I enjoy reading historical romances and frequently pick them up when I'm trying to climb out of a reading slump. It's nice going into a story knowing you'll have a guaranteed happy ending. Eva Leigh's prose is lovely and this book is very well written. At times certain phrases or language gave me pause because it felt too modern, but overall this wasn't an issue. The chemistry between the two characters was incredible, and I loved that Leigh didn't defuse their sexual tension by having scenes fade to black (like I still find many novels set in this time period do). Sarah's depth was definitely greater than Jeremy's. His resolution felt a bit quick for me, and I at times was frustrated by his inability to stand up to his father. Still, I'd rank this above any of the other historical romances I've read this year and I definitely will be picking up the other two volumes in this series.