A review by saarahnina
Forgotten by Catherine McKenzie



A story that will transcend the depths of your wildest dreams.

Have you ever felt like starting over, anonymous? Ever felt like being able to run away from everything, to no longer exist, to be wiped off the surface of the Earth? Whilst still actually living and breathing, just sort of forgotten about. I've wanted this chance: those days when your family pesters you, you have a huge list of errands, and someone keeps adding more to your load. When you just want to sleep in, lie under the covers. No ringing phones, forever undisturbed- until you choose to make a ripple in the silence. What a dream, right? Who wouldn't want to take that chance. I don't want a day, I want-need-a week.

Emma is granted this grand opportunity when she returns from a trip to Africa, five months too late. She was only supposed to go away for one month, but when an earthquake makes return flights near impossible, she stays longer. When she returns, she discovers that the world believes she's 'missing, presumed dead.' Can you imagine the craziness? Her credit cards no longer work, there is no huge welcome home party, and her best friend travelled to Africa- to find her.

She makes her way to her apartment, only to see some strange man moving in! Her stuff? All gone. The strange man, Dominic allows her to stay in her own apartment, they become close, friends, though it isn't easy. Still, how will she integrate back into her own life, how does she make herself known as a living person? Will she? Or will she go anonymous? And what about her lawyer job? She was supposed to make partner at the firm, after all. And what is the stranger's story? Is he safe?

This is a crazy novel, funny and adventurous. In it, you'll meet a lawyer who actually likes her job. If that's not unbelievable enough, just think how you'll deal with your partner, who believes you've passed on, dating your enemy. It's a safe bet that you'd be pissed. Hell, I was pissed for Emma. It's also a safe bet that this book will make you smile, angry and very curious, especially about the new guy in the picture.

I loved this book, definitely a favourite. I knew that from the first page, but it was confirmed with the reference to The Mentalist. I love the show, Patrick Jane is a legend.

Anyway, I especially liked how Emma dealt with all the stuff, all the change, in her life without asking "Why me?" That's some strength. Her whole character was endearing, even when she was being nosy and prying into Dominic's business. I also adored her relationship with her late mother, their memories, the story behind her first car. It was so touching and was made to feel very real by the narrator, Kristi Burns. There was feeling in her voice, throughout. It was sentimental, passionate and then, drastically light at other times.

All in all, this book was perfect- there was good office humour (reminded me mostly of the TV drama Suits- I'm a huge fan), then there was how none of it was cliché, well just a little bit. From the first moment Emma lays eyes on Dominic she doesn't regard him as 'gorgeous', purely as the intruder. There are no moments when her heart skips a beat upon hearing his voice, instead she gets angry at his words claiming the apartment is his. This was more realistic, and believe me I don't mind clichés (not that much) but I was more in the mood for something more real. A criterion, this book more than fulfilled.

I received this book through Audiobook Boom.