A review by amandaainge
All He Ever Needed by Shannon Stacey


Ok, so here's the deal. I LOVE Shannon Stacey. But this book just didn't work for me. I have to say the second half was MILES better than the beginning. I got sick of the constant references to Mitch's past -- I get it. He was a man whore. Let's move on. And why the crap was everyone in the town so happy to be used and tossed away by him??? Couldn't there have been just one woman that was hurt by his wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am treatment? Nope, all those women were telling Paige to "go for it!" it was weird. And uncomfortable. Maybe it's just a me problem -- I have a hard time believing everyone and their dog would be telling a girl who hasn't dated in the two years they have known her, to break her streak with a guy who apparently has slept with everyone. With no hesitation. Maybe I'm just too conservative and have a hard time believing that a girl in this situation would not bring emotions into sex. Like I said, it's a me issue. The themes and topics just pushed a few hot buttons. It was good in the end. I don't know if I'll want to re-read it like I have all of her other books. But I'm excited to read the next few books on the series. So, 3 stars and some hope for more 5 star books in the future.