A review by sarahpyt
Cruel Summer by Alyson Noël


When I first started reading Cruel Summer, I almost put it down. It wasn't horrible, but it was definitely not for me. Colby seemed annoying and spoiled, but around the middle of the novel, she got likable enough that I could continue reading. Thats not very good. I grabbed this book because it takes place in Greece, which is one of my favorite places in the world, but was disappointed when all Colby did was complain about it.
I decided to give Alyson Noel another chance after reading Saving Zoe, so because I was short on money, I got this book from the library. I'm glad I did. Cruel Summer was written only through blog entries, letters, diary entries, and texts, which was confusing because it didn't show anyone's messages but Colby's and left the minor characters undeveloped. I also felt that everything that happened was predictable. The plot was very unoriginal, and even the "twists" in the story were not unexpected or surprising. Overall, I would not recommend this book to anyone :/